Spring Autojumble

Spring Autojumble
Sister to the iconic and world-famous International Autojumble, the Spring Autojumble is perfect for those with an existing project looking for parts, looking for your next project and of course motoring enthusiasts.

With over 1000 of stands and stalls to browse and pick through, you're sure to find the elusive parts required to complete or start that restoration project. Whether you need the smallest nut or washer or are seeking a complete vehicle, all autojumblers will be in their element. There is something for everyone - and plenty of bargains to be had!

Plus, Spring Autojumble also features the growing Land Rover Rummage- a special treat for lovers of this iconic British 4x4.

Your ticket also includes entry to the Beaulieu attraction, including the National Motor Museum, Palace House, Beaulieu Abbey and World of Top Gear.